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Sample letters

  1. What is mandatory reconsideration?
  2. I’m out of time – is there anything I can do?
  3. What happens to my benefits during mandatory reconsideration?
  4. What happens to my benefits after mandatory reconsideration?
  5. Sample letters
  6. Next steps

These are two sample letters that you could use to ask your healthcare professionals for evidence to support your mandatory reconsideration. The first could help with an Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) decision and the second could help with Personal Independence Payment (PIP).


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Within this subject

  1. What is mandatory reconsideration?
  2. I’m out of time – is there anything I can do?
  3. What happens to my benefits during mandatory reconsideration?
  4. What happens to my benefits after mandatory reconsideration?
  5. Sample letters
  6. Next steps

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