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What are the groups of ESA?

  1. What is ESA?
  2. How can I claim?
  3. What is the Work Capability Assessment?
  4. What are the groups of ESA?
  5. What is the Work Programme?
  6. What work am I permitted to do on ESA?
  7. Can I appeal if I think the decision about ESA is wrong?
  8. Next steps


There are three decisions the DWP can make about your ESA claim, as they could decide:

  • To give you ESA and put you into the work-related activity group (WRAG),
  • To give you ESA and put you into the support group, or
  • You are fit for work and should not get ESA.

Work-related activity group (WRAG)

  • You will have to attend regular interviews with your work coach
  • Prepare to work in the future by writing a CV and improving your skills
  • ‘New Style’ and contribution-based ESA last for 365 days if you are in a work-related activity group

Support Group

  • You do not have to go to interviews or take part in the Work Programme.
  • If you get contribution-based ESA, you can get it as long as you meet the criteria for the support group.
  • You will get an additional amount of money on top of the basic ESA rate from the 14th week of your claim. If it takes the DWP longer than this to decide which group to put you in, they will backdate the money.
There are three decisions the DWP can make about your ESA claim.

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Within this subject

  1. What is ESA?
  2. How can I claim?
  3. What is the Work Capability Assessment?
  4. What are the groups of ESA?
  5. What is the Work Programme?
  6. What work am I permitted to do on ESA?
  7. Can I appeal if I think the decision about ESA is wrong?
  8. Next steps

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