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Whether you’re living with mental health and money issues, have experienced it in the past or are caring for someone that does, we’d love to hear from you.

Your story could highlight essential problems and help others facing similar challenges or improve people’s understanding of what it means to live with these issues.

Your personal story, or that of a loved one, may also inspire people across the country to support our work by fundraising, volunteering or campaigning for us.

How we may use your story

There are many ways we might ask to use your story. These include:

  • on our website or social media
  • in our supporter magazine or marketing materials for services and fundraising events
  • in fundraising appeals which are sent out to our supporters and members.

Sometimes, a national newspaper, glossy magazine or TV news programme will approach us for a story or guest who would be happy to talk about their experiences.

We wouldn’t ask you to do anything that you weren’t comfortable with, and you always have the decision on where and if your story is published.

How you can get involved

At this stage, all you need to do is send an email to our Media Team at 

All you need to include is:

  • Who you are
  • a brief outline of your story.

The team will then contact you about how you can provide them with your full story, as well as answer any questions you may want to ask them.

People who have shared their story with us often say they have a positive experience.

Be part of our story and help other people affected by mental illness and money by sharing yours.

Things to note before you email

  • We do not link to blogs or stories on other websites
  • It is not possible to for us to host guest blogs or paid-for content
  • Where possible, we ask that stories used on our channels have not appeared online elsewhere.

Please note: We are a small busy team, so it it might take us a few days to come back to you to let you know if it’s something we’re able to explore further. Your patience is very much appreciated. 

Please tell us more

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